Substack has (temporarily or permanently?) suspended my "like" ability without explanation, and I guess they thought that would shut me up.
Substack has probably sold or given (under duress?) access to backdoors to Big Brother and his friends, and probably the Substack support department doesn't even know what's going on with those backdoors.
I've got to admit that I desperately need a pillow to cry into about the "great reset", but if Substack keeps sabotaging their own credibility this way, I can do without it.
For one, machine glitching is a great way to insert paranoia and conflict . Iago comes to mind.
Luckily, I'm not a UK citizen, so I can talk about Shakespeare's plays. Even the "the whole world is a stage" part.
I went through a couple of weeks when I repeatedly could not access my own substack, recently. Lots of "help" mail back and forth, and they never did have any answers. It just finally stopped. She did write, however, when I informed her that I wasn't charging, that "that makes it so much simpler". So much simpler produced not a single answer though.
Just before that came down, I had unsubbed from a rather powerful player here, with some privately sent comments regarding why. A little acerbic back and forth. A true shame, but the truth will out. And it comes out hard and twisted the more it's denied and hidden.
So, yeah...I think that everything I was writing was being checked out big time as per a money maker's request? I'm not spewing tales of others' mental breakdowns here, it happens. Just keeping a hawk's eye on truth and falsity. And it always reveals itself.
I have no regrets. I'm very grateful that spirit led me to disconnect from that site just before the author went nuts enough to publicly accuse their opponents, repeatedly, of pedophilia. I'm not traveling with those kinds of overblown egos. Lit fuses are dangerous and best run away from.
To think that any new internet deal is going to escape the fact that this is a weapon -toy from the military...well, Pisces loves illusions. Watch the illusions multiply exponentially while Rahu is in Pisces. That's why the "pope" dude in the white dress is talking about "visions", and making up the "rules" as to whose visions will make them....minor saint, major saint, the next pope, king, or queen, or Drumph. Who knows? Who cares? Who needs the pope?
It's the screaming microwave signal that never quits torturing us but for a day or a day and half that's making me despair totally. Otherwise, as long as I can laugh, I'm all in. I won't ever give in or give up. But this torture is simply debilitating. Regardless of what substack or any of it is "about". The real deal is this is all keeping us distracted so we do absolutely nothing about this horrible microwave warfare control grid everywhere.
It's just "stuff" . Why can't we throw it in the trash, like we always do with "stuff"?
"cause controllers be controllers, and the only thing they do not want to control is themselves. "
We have got to quit playing the "masters'" games with the masters' toys, and take down their control systems altogether. The reason the US does not have conscription for so many decades is that Rothschild learned to be scared shitless of an American draft army. Because it's the soldiers who ended Vietnam, just as they were taught to, by killing their own officers. It's them or us, they understood.
When the banksters crashed the "economy" in '29, did the hordes of unemployed have a fun "civil war" over it? NO. The people had to rediscover one another as allies rather than competitors. For a few years it was pretty clear who was who and what was what.
That essay in Corey's Digs...makes me wonder how much complaining about what a money system can do will it take before people wake up and admit what a money system is?
Oh, and do you know? When I commented on Rumble regarding Pascal Nadaji's insane interview with Jones, Alex by name, that's when I got dumped out of "" .
From my comments on Rumble, mind you. I just happened to mention that all this "banking" that Pascal's daddy was doing all over Malaysia and the planet was done on behalf of just which banks? Well, he didn't mention it, but I did. That would be the BIS. And so, Corey's Digs essay.
Rumble is very very compromised. They've emailed me responses to comments, in my name, that I never made. From sites I never went to. Cool, huh? Or...that may have been due to the "gmail" account that rumble accesses me through? Universities complicit? I don't care. Screw 'em all. They haven't stopped me yet, and they won't. They just make it stink.
This is a scrimming mirror. A producer of "alter-native realities". What happens when you "alter the native"?
Yeah, Twiisted vocabulary rules. We call natural healing "alter-native". Which it exactly is not. It's the chemical freaks who want to "alter the native". For profit.
For money. They all do it for the money, honey. If you don't worship money and have not been a "success" in the money system, what are your words worth?
Yeah. They'll use us and dump us as they please.
When it all gets to be too much, listen to George Carlin. What would Geronimo George say? What would Molly Ivins say?
remember Gilda Radner's great skit with "The Soup Man"
"Put the soup up your nose".
"Why? "
"Cause the Soup Man says to. "
Can't find it on yourube all of a sudden, like past four years.
Advice from one considered ancient and irrelevant: Don't waste your time fighting wind mills.
Those who simply channel hot air through themselves endlessly.
Life deems them absolutely irrelevant. Go hang out in the wild. Hang onto it with all your might.
Blessed Be
And when you want results? "The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease"
Squeak loud and they'll get rid of you and your issue asap.
They do not understand humility. Not one whit. They possess none whatsoever.
Money eliminates humility. The more money they got, property, status, all that "stuff" which they hide behind, the less humility.
As a Master's Graduate of Berkeley from Spain said to me in his place at the corner of Haight and Cole in 1980, when we returned from the International Survival Gathering in The Black Hills of South Dakota:
"All the Real People have No Money. "
As Native Americans, we identified outselves as "The Real People"
We were quite aware of the people who were not "Real People".
"Among those purporting to lead the Western democracies we find a blanket indifference to those objecting to a genocide they witness daily in real time. "
Being as North America became a European colony through the most complete genocide of a People ever accomplished in history, one can easily see why this blindness? The wars against the Natives were very clearly defined as wars of extermination.
It's a bit different now than it was in Vietnam. Directed Energy Weapons are a whole new game.
Theres a fair amount of analysis on the Covid operation as an effort to mitigate debt issues from dwindling surplus energy. Fabio Vighi has a timeline on the financial moves in the lead up to the pandemic designation. Sasha wont hear it but the Naked Emperor substack had a lively thread on the question of the net energy cliff. Might explain how current events are following various Degrowth timelines and politics appears to be a low effort form of kayfabe. Warning people to prep for austerity or a greater reset with absurd and impossible energy, economic, immigration, foreign and social justice policies is an obvious tell to prepare capable people for contingencies on impending low tech, subsistence-based regional economies, energy and trade blocs in case their technocratic, neoliberal feudal system doesnt pan out.
I don't think we the people are going to prevail against them. It's going to take divine intervention, an intervention that has been predicted long ago.
"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."
It's easy to "predict" that I will be on a beach next july . Especially if I've already reserved a s pot there.
I've examined "pre-dictions" for years. They don't exceed in accuracy any normal statistical odds. And frankly , they are mostly wrong. Or so generalized, they can apply to anything or anytime. Or anyone.
As I've spent the past week bemoaning the overarching rule of the Machine, I have to wonder.
What will it require to be willing to give it all up and be on the earth naturally again?
Technology has been sold, in one aspect, as that which is "safer" than nature, because, simply, a human thinks he controls it.
In realizing we are controlled by it, what will be the response?
How do we accomplish "the absence of the abuser"?
The technology doesn't create and run itself. There is always human agency behind it.
If it is proved beyond doubt that people's monthly cell-irradiating "phones/weapons" are financing the 5G warfare, will people give up their phones?
I very much want to read that article about Vietnam, thanks for that. And all the links.
I fixed my "like" ability by downloading the latest version of iOS.
Well deamplify me and call me buddy.
lotsa folks got no likes ability here no mo'
so glad this came up this morning, as I was thinking about substack
I was thinking that another tower of babble has been created here
and I was thinking that a complete lack of communication , no stream
no place to flow
can't be about tongues
but about hearts, or a disconnect from the ground here
I'm struggling to hang onto any inner "like " ability these days
i can call you buddy
but i can't include myself in any kind of computer competency
I shiver just seeing "iOS"...whatever that drove me over the edge with "Updates"
Substack has (temporarily or permanently?) suspended my "like" ability without explanation, and I guess they thought that would shut me up.
Substack has probably sold or given (under duress?) access to backdoors to Big Brother and his friends, and probably the Substack support department doesn't even know what's going on with those backdoors.
I've got to admit that I desperately need a pillow to cry into about the "great reset", but if Substack keeps sabotaging their own credibility this way, I can do without it.
Hi Big Brother 👋
We are coming for you
Well, how many ways can we view this?
For one, machine glitching is a great way to insert paranoia and conflict . Iago comes to mind.
Luckily, I'm not a UK citizen, so I can talk about Shakespeare's plays. Even the "the whole world is a stage" part.
I went through a couple of weeks when I repeatedly could not access my own substack, recently. Lots of "help" mail back and forth, and they never did have any answers. It just finally stopped. She did write, however, when I informed her that I wasn't charging, that "that makes it so much simpler". So much simpler produced not a single answer though.
Just before that came down, I had unsubbed from a rather powerful player here, with some privately sent comments regarding why. A little acerbic back and forth. A true shame, but the truth will out. And it comes out hard and twisted the more it's denied and hidden.
So, yeah...I think that everything I was writing was being checked out big time as per a money maker's request? I'm not spewing tales of others' mental breakdowns here, it happens. Just keeping a hawk's eye on truth and falsity. And it always reveals itself.
I have no regrets. I'm very grateful that spirit led me to disconnect from that site just before the author went nuts enough to publicly accuse their opponents, repeatedly, of pedophilia. I'm not traveling with those kinds of overblown egos. Lit fuses are dangerous and best run away from.
To think that any new internet deal is going to escape the fact that this is a weapon -toy from the military...well, Pisces loves illusions. Watch the illusions multiply exponentially while Rahu is in Pisces. That's why the "pope" dude in the white dress is talking about "visions", and making up the "rules" as to whose visions will make them....minor saint, major saint, the next pope, king, or queen, or Drumph. Who knows? Who cares? Who needs the pope?
It's the screaming microwave signal that never quits torturing us but for a day or a day and half that's making me despair totally. Otherwise, as long as I can laugh, I'm all in. I won't ever give in or give up. But this torture is simply debilitating. Regardless of what substack or any of it is "about". The real deal is this is all keeping us distracted so we do absolutely nothing about this horrible microwave warfare control grid everywhere.
It's just "stuff" . Why can't we throw it in the trash, like we always do with "stuff"?
"cause controllers be controllers, and the only thing they do not want to control is themselves. "
We have got to quit playing the "masters'" games with the masters' toys, and take down their control systems altogether. The reason the US does not have conscription for so many decades is that Rothschild learned to be scared shitless of an American draft army. Because it's the soldiers who ended Vietnam, just as they were taught to, by killing their own officers. It's them or us, they understood.
When the banksters crashed the "economy" in '29, did the hordes of unemployed have a fun "civil war" over it? NO. The people had to rediscover one another as allies rather than competitors. For a few years it was pretty clear who was who and what was what.
That essay in Corey's Digs...makes me wonder how much complaining about what a money system can do will it take before people wake up and admit what a money system is?
Oh, and do you know? When I commented on Rumble regarding Pascal Nadaji's insane interview with Jones, Alex by name, that's when I got dumped out of "" .
From my comments on Rumble, mind you. I just happened to mention that all this "banking" that Pascal's daddy was doing all over Malaysia and the planet was done on behalf of just which banks? Well, he didn't mention it, but I did. That would be the BIS. And so, Corey's Digs essay.
Rumble is very very compromised. They've emailed me responses to comments, in my name, that I never made. From sites I never went to. Cool, huh? Or...that may have been due to the "gmail" account that rumble accesses me through? Universities complicit? I don't care. Screw 'em all. They haven't stopped me yet, and they won't. They just make it stink.
This is a scrimming mirror. A producer of "alter-native realities". What happens when you "alter the native"?
Yeah, Twiisted vocabulary rules. We call natural healing "alter-native". Which it exactly is not. It's the chemical freaks who want to "alter the native". For profit.
For money. They all do it for the money, honey. If you don't worship money and have not been a "success" in the money system, what are your words worth?
Yeah. They'll use us and dump us as they please.
When it all gets to be too much, listen to George Carlin. What would Geronimo George say? What would Molly Ivins say?
remember Gilda Radner's great skit with "The Soup Man"
"Put the soup up your nose".
"Why? "
"Cause the Soup Man says to. "
Can't find it on yourube all of a sudden, like past four years.
Advice from one considered ancient and irrelevant: Don't waste your time fighting wind mills.
Those who simply channel hot air through themselves endlessly.
Life deems them absolutely irrelevant. Go hang out in the wild. Hang onto it with all your might.
Blessed Be
And when you want results? "The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease"
Squeak loud and they'll get rid of you and your issue asap.
They do not understand humility. Not one whit. They possess none whatsoever.
Money eliminates humility. The more money they got, property, status, all that "stuff" which they hide behind, the less humility.
As a Master's Graduate of Berkeley from Spain said to me in his place at the corner of Haight and Cole in 1980, when we returned from the International Survival Gathering in The Black Hills of South Dakota:
"All the Real People have No Money. "
As Native Americans, we identified outselves as "The Real People"
We were quite aware of the people who were not "Real People".
Those forked-tongued ones, eh?
A Totalitarian Fantasy
Myths and Realities About a “New Order”
(March 1944)
wow, can't even edit my last comment
edit doesn't come through....yes, online fully
anyway, correction: entire cell-phoned planet is video addicted
it's the national babysitter here in ...i better be more general, maybe that's the issue...southeast asia
PS Didn't you get that notice from substack recently? How they're going all out for the video market?
Who could have predicted?
They have a program to choose "promising video producers" and mentor/groom them. It's the lucrative market. Americans are boob tube addicted.
Actually, the entire cell-phoned planet is video addicted. It is now the national babysitter here in Thailand.
From the Viet Nam article:
"Among those purporting to lead the Western democracies we find a blanket indifference to those objecting to a genocide they witness daily in real time. "
Being as North America became a European colony through the most complete genocide of a People ever accomplished in history, one can easily see why this blindness? The wars against the Natives were very clearly defined as wars of extermination.
It's a bit different now than it was in Vietnam. Directed Energy Weapons are a whole new game.
Theres a fair amount of analysis on the Covid operation as an effort to mitigate debt issues from dwindling surplus energy. Fabio Vighi has a timeline on the financial moves in the lead up to the pandemic designation. Sasha wont hear it but the Naked Emperor substack had a lively thread on the question of the net energy cliff. Might explain how current events are following various Degrowth timelines and politics appears to be a low effort form of kayfabe. Warning people to prep for austerity or a greater reset with absurd and impossible energy, economic, immigration, foreign and social justice policies is an obvious tell to prepare capable people for contingencies on impending low tech, subsistence-based regional economies, energy and trade blocs in case their technocratic, neoliberal feudal system doesnt pan out.
I don't think we the people are going to prevail against them. It's going to take divine intervention, an intervention that has been predicted long ago.
"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."
Iain Davis, from
"pre-dictions" are a crap shoot for power
It's easy to "predict" that I will be on a beach next july . Especially if I've already reserved a s pot there.
I've examined "pre-dictions" for years. They don't exceed in accuracy any normal statistical odds. And frankly , they are mostly wrong. Or so generalized, they can apply to anything or anytime. Or anyone.