Dec 11, 2023Liked by Yet Another Tommy

I agree, they tried to kill us all so using their idiom turned around, "we are all in this together"!

Damn these shots.

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I didn't know this about the citizen grand jury process! Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I'll syndicate this to try to bring more awareness to this potential avenue for getting some payback! I know Tommy has already seen this but let me just leave this here for your readers: Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Vaccine Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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fascinating analysis.

I studied this is one of my history classes.


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Good idea.

Never knew about OZ - gold. Australia is often called "OZ" for short - I thought it was due to the Aus=OZ homonym, but we were also founded on gold.

I bought The Wizard of Oz as a 10yo, hoping to find some sugary movie-stuff. Was disappointed then, but I think the book was more accurately portrayed in the musical Wicked.

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Apr 23Liked by Yet Another Tommy

As a child, I read the entire series, and was astonished to find his development of the world was MUCH more complex than Dorothy, Toto, the Witch & the Wizard....I'd love to find them again, there were at least 10 of them - in my school library (yet another reason to protect them from being cancelled).

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